Title: Insurgent
Series: Divergent #2
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian, Romance, Lots-o-deaths, shocking
Pages: 525
Ages: 13+
Date I Finished: August 10th, 2013
My Rating: 5 whopping stars
My Favorite Quote: (New thing I'm doing) THIS QUOTE IS A SPOILER SO PLEASE DO NOT READ----vvvvv
"'I don't..." I sound like I am being strangled. "My family is all dead, or traitors; how can I..."
I am not making any sense. The sobs take over, and bathwater soaks my legs. His hold is tight. I listen to his heartbeat and, after a while, find a way to let the rhythm calm me.
'I'll be your family now,' he says." (P. 399)
There are some minor spoilers in review, so please read this once you've finished the book!
That's all I can say. To this book.
SO many things happened throughout the 525 pages of this story, and I have to tell you, the ending was what drove me to giving this book 5 stars.
The ending...
There was one thing that conflicted me while reading, though, and that was Chapter 32 'til the end of Chapter 33 because I wasn't sure what was a simulation and what wasn't, but then I got the gist of it after thinking it through.
Anyway, this book was like a journey through feelings I've never felt before, and I'm not even sure how to apprehend these feelings. I was slightly confused, yet thrilled, yet scared, yet mournful, yet freaked out all in one feeling. This is the case because it seemed to me that Tris kept switching sides of what she believed in: She wanted to die, then she wants to live for the deaths she's blames herself for. She wanted to help destroy the simulation, then she decides to help Marcus find out the truth. She acts dauntless and strong because she didn't care if she died or not(which Tobias wasn't very fond of), then she decided to be more careful.
And I think the reason for these different decisions were from her confusing life and the grief she keeps trying to bury. That's what made me decide to give this book 5 stars. Because I was feeling all the same mixed feelings that Tris felt. I tagged along her journey, instead of reading words on a page, and saw her feel these feelings, and that's what made me empathize rather than sympathize because it felt like I was going through the same problems that she was.
And any story that makes me feel like I'm apart of it, makes it feel so real, deserves 5 stars.
Oh, and that damn ending was just a bonus. OMG how scary, how apprehensive, how scrutinizing, how thrilling, how shocking...
What a cliffhanger.
So, this is me, waiting for the last book to come out:
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