Title: Legend by Marie Lu
Pages: 305
Ages: 12-14
Date I Finished It: February 3rd, 2012
For starters, this book gave me the chills when June and Day were so in love and then… BAM she puts him in jail and starts beating him up. That just made me sooo sad. In addition, I loved the chemistry between Day and June because it just clicked and I hated it when I read that June did not believe Day when he said he didn’t kill Metias, which I don’t think he did. Then I started smiling all the way till the end when June chose to help Day out. Oh, I’m giving the whole story away! I’m not going to say anything more about the story itself. I loved the idea that it showed in the book about how June and Day are the same people just born through two different worlds. June and Day were both fierce fighters and super smart. I also liked that Marie Lu put the story into two different points in view. Day and June immediately fell in love with each other and I loved seeing it in each other’s point of view. I recommend this book to all young adult readers who love science fiction romance. This book broke my heart, gave me ideas, and most of all made me smile. I give this book a full on...
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