Trapped as a mortal in a dimension where human dreams become reality, Alice Towers endures a journey of unmerciful persecution and excruciating self-discovery. Guided by an extraordinary realm creature named Shammerwack, she must find Magog; a boy imprisoned for over three centuries who holds the key to her release.
Unaware that her incarceration heralds the dawn of the Final Prophecy; Armageddon, Alice is pursued by an ancient being that plagues humanity with relentless nightmares, until the world hovers on the brink of insanity and self-annihilation.
Alice’s only earthbound ally, Leona, is also an antediluvian soul who has lived and reincarnated as a human for thousands of years. As one of the Ancient Coven and practitioner of the old knowledge, Leona summons shadows to protect Alice’s slumbering body and Magog’s timeworn effigy. But Leona’s maleficent sister, Lillian, another of the ancients, is equally as determined to capture Alice; the vessel by which the Demon Lord of the Realms intends to escape the confines of his nebulous world.
A bloody battle ensues on Earth as Lillian’s underworld demons and Leona’s defensive forces tear lives apart, whilst an increasingly insane world creeps inexorably closer to the Final Prophecy.
Title: The Toy Sorcerer
Series: (I don't know the name of the series, 'cause the rest didn't come out yet) #1 EDIT: Ancient Knowledge #1
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 377
Ages: 10+ (Very entertaining and cute!)
Date I Finished It: April 26th, 2012
My Rating: 4 Stars
My Word: Creative
Book Format: Ebook
This book intrigued me for most of the time. I started to really like Alice because of the way that her brother and mother have died, and being crippled, she still doesn't really argue and she doesn't give up. This has also occurred when she was in the Dream Realms. Oh, and SHAMMERWACK!! Now who doesn't love him? I might not listen to him a whole lot, but he was so loving and caring towards Alice. The whole time Alice was in the realms, it was just more and more adventure for her. I truly loved the different and crazy things going on in the Dream Realms. The totally different characters really amazed me. All in all, this book left me wanting to know more. Hart did a great job with the fantastic writing. I could easily see the Dream Realms in my head! I just loved this book and oh-THE DARK DAYS!!! SOO SUSPENSEFUL!!!
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