Synopsis: Ria is an 18-year-old girl who has just started going to the University of Magic, a special university for those who have one of the four elements: fire, water, air and earth. There she meets Michael, a boy whose element is different from hers, which makes their romantic involvement seem impossible because mixing of elements can have horrible consequences. She also feels threatened by Adrian, a very dangerous magic disease carrier. Magic disease, which surged as a result of bad mixing of elements, turns people into cold-hearted killers, who have a strong desire to take someone's element as they do not have their own. Ria's best friend, Paula, is fascinated by Adrian like most of the girls at the University and wants him to help her with her research about the disease. All Ria's beliefs are put to test when she starts having the symptoms of the disease and the only person she can turn to is Adrian.Title: Dangerous (Ooooo SUSPENSE)
Series: Element Preservers Series #1
Genre: Science Ficiton, Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 289
Ages: 13+ (I guess, it could be for mature teens because the setting is at college and there are some teen mature parts: sexual content, language. BUT I LOVED IT :D )
Date I Finished It: April 28th, 2012
My Rating: 5 Stars (I told you I loved it!)
My Word/Phrase: Attention Grabber!!
Book Format: Ebook
ATTENTION! BEFORE YOU READ: WARNING! SPOILERS ARE CONTAINED IN THIS REVIEW :) (sorry, I couldn't write the review without it!)
Oh. My. God!!! :D I feel so happy right now. I read that book in 2 days. Linwood's book grabbed my attention right from the first page. I looovvvee Adrian, don't ask me why. Sometimes I thought he mean and arrogant and an idiot, but I just loved him! Maybe it's because it's just a book and I don't have to worry about all of the troubles going on about the magic disease. And Adrian better not leave Ria again or I might just have to jump in to the story and slap him across the face! Alright, enough about that :) for the review: WOW! The plot was simply amazing and so very unique! I would never come up with such a creative storyline. I personally LOVED the characters. I think Ria might've been my favorite character because she didn't give in to Adrian's stupidity and do what he said. But, I also REALLY loved the connection Adrian and Ria had together. Also, Adrian didn't leave her heartbroken like the rest of the girls. (Okay, maybe he did in the beginning, but then it was all good!) Aside from relationships, I really enjoyed how Ria went through the whole magic disease and how Ria had to control herself during the time when she helped Adrian get the journal and other times when she was with Michael. Very creative when Ria had to have contact with another magic disease carrier (Adrian) Personaly, those were my favorite parts. This story really made me think of how crazy college is going to be. (LOL!) Really though, this book was very detailed and had every feature a good book should have, which includes fantastic personalities with the characters. Oh and sorry for all the spoilers! I couldn't really explain the book without them ;). When's the sequel coming out? 'Cause I need to make a countdown gadget. PRONTO!
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